StarCluster - Mailing List Archive

Re: Issue creating a cluster of 30 nodes with starcluster

From: Justin Riley <no email>
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2011 09:12:14 -0500

Hash: SHA1

Hi Sumita,

Were you using spot instances? If not I believe there's a default limit
of 20 instances by default for flat-rate instances which *could* be
related to your issue. With spot instances you can create up to 100
instances by default. So, if you need more than 20 nodes and do not wish
to submit a request to Amazon to increase your flat-rate instance limit,
you should be using spot instances:

$ starcluster start -s 30 -b 0.50 mycluster

With that said, StarCluster has no limit to the number of nodes you can
create, however, as you've seen, sometimes EC2 instances can take longer
to become 'running' than usual. Unfortunately this is purely an EC2
back-end issue that cannot be resolved directly by StarCluster. In my
experience 22 minutes *is* quite a while to wait for any instance to
come up, however, I have had instances take up to 15 min before in the
past so this is not a total surprise to me.

In the future if you run into this problem of waiting for an instance to
change from 'pending' to 'running' for too long (e.g. 15min+) I would
recommend simply terminating the faulty instance from the AWS console
and then restart the cluster using:

$ starcluster restart mycluster

This should reboot all the currently running instances and begin
configuring the cluster and avoid having to terminate the entire cluster
and lose instance hours.



On 11/8/11 6:39 AM, Sumita Sinha wrote:
> Hello ,
> Currently working with starcluster on EC2.
> Tried creating a cluster with 30 nodes of type m1.small using AMI -
> Cluster creation was never completed as i found out that one node
node025 was showing pending status.
> I waited for almost 22 minutes then terminated the cluster.
> Cluster was terminated properly. Is there any limit to the creation of
nodes .
> --
> Regards
> Sumita Sinha

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Received on Tue Nov 08 2011 - 09:12:16 EST
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